Gif Tip
Android Studio, Adobe Illustrator, & Adobe After Effects
Click here for GitHub repository
A fun tip calculator that encourages you leave larger tips through the use of gifs. Gif Tip allows the user to select a tip amount via a SeekBar component and/or four Quick Select buttons.
Gif implementation comes from a custom GitHub library (android-gif-drawable)
17 different gifs (determined via if statements that reads the slider’s percentage)
Branding via animated logo at top of app
Converter Android App
Android Studio, Adobe Illustrator, & Adobe After Effects
Click here for GitHub repository
Converter app created with a group of people for my Fall 2018 college semester.
Converts four different units of meaturement
Miles to/from Kilometers
Celsius to/from Fahrenheit
Kilograms to/from Pounds
Gallons to/from Liters
App features ability to auto-calculate the conversion without the use of a button
Implemented a custom naviagtion bar via an Android lib on GitHub (BottomNavigationViewEx) with custom icons created in Adobe Illustrator
Animated splash screen (created in Adobe Illustrator & Adobe After Effects)
Animated background to mimic Instagram Login screen (via this tutorial)
Java Tetris
Created using Eclipse & Adobe Illustrator
Click here for GitHub Repository
Pre-existing code here:
A simple Tetris clone made in Java. I used a pre-existing game that someone wrote (found at the above link) and then modified it to add more features. The original code works via three separate java classes (Board, Shape, & Tetris). The Shape class creates the blocks via an enum called Tetrominoes. These Tetrominoes contain coordinates of where to “print” each block, along with a color decimal/RGB code. The Board class contains the logic for the game (piece creation, button inputs, falling speed, block clear, etc.). The Tetris class is used to start the game itself. It sets up the size of the Tetris gameboard, as well as the background color of the board itself.
The following items are the features that I added to the game:
Holding: This is a modern feature found in newer versions of the game. When you push the 'H' key, whichever block is falling on the screen will then be held for use at a later point. You can see what block is being held via a graphical display in the status bar. When the 'H' key is pushed a second time, the reserve block will swap with the current falling block.
Speed Increase: As you continue to clear lines, the rate at which blocks fall will increase (aka the difficulty increases). The speed increase will trigger when the player clears the following number of lines: 25, 50, & 100.
Updated UI: A simple title screen was added to give the player the control of when the game begins (via the Menu class). The colors of the blocks were also modified to make them easier to read. The game board's background was changed to black, so there was a clear separation between the status bar and the game board.
Java Flight Reservation System
Created using Eclipse & Adobe Illustrator
Click here for GitHub Repository
Spring 2018 Semester Project
A flight reservation system that was created for a Java Application Development class between March 2018 - April 2018. This project utilizes a simple database via SQL code.
Program Functionality:
Sign-Up/Create an account
Recover your password via a security question
Determine Admin or Customer access via a temp database*
Customers can view, search, and add/delete flights from their account
Admins can also add/edit/delete flights from the database
*The temporary database is created once the user clicks on the Login button. In case the user exited the program without logging out, the program will drop the existing temp table before creating a new once. It contains the user's username and their access level (A for admin & C for customer). Each time the main menu loads, it checks the temp table that access code.